lawn Aeration Nampa

Caring for a Summer Lawn

Summer in the Treasure Valley can be brutal for your lawn. With temperatures soaring and water resources scarce, caring for your lawn requires more than just turning on your sprinklers. In this article, we will provide you with everything you need to know to keep your lawn healthy during the dry summer months.

  1. Water Your Lawn Properly

Watering your lawn is crucial during the summer months, but it’s important to do it the right way. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently, preferably in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day as it can scorch the grass. If you need professional help, search for “lawn care near me” or “irrigation services near me” to find a reliable service provider in your area.

  1. Mow Your Lawn Regularly

Mowing your lawn regularly during the summer months is vital to maintain its health. Keep your mower blades sharp, and mow your lawn at a height of around 3 inches to help shade the soil and prevent water evaporation. If you don’t have time for mowing, search for “lawn mowing services near me” to find a trusted local professional.

  1. Fertilize Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn during the summer months is essential to keep it healthy and green. Choose a fertilizer that is suitable for your grass type and soil conditions. If you are unsure about what type of fertilizer to use, search for “lawn care near me” or “lawn fertilization services near me” to find a professional who can help.

  1. Control Weeds

Weeds can take over your lawn during the summer months, depriving it of vital nutrients and water. Apply a weed control solution or hire a professional weed control service near you to keep your lawn free from weeds.

  1. Aerate Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn during the summer months can help to improve soil drainage and promote healthy root growth. If you need professional help, search for “lawn aeration services near me” to find a trusted service provider in your area.

In conclusion, caring for your lawn during the summer months in the Treasure Valley requires proper watering, regular mowing, fertilization, weed control, and aeration. If you need professional lawn care services in Nampa, Idaho, contact Hartley Lawn Aeration today! Alternatively, search for “lawn care near me”, “lawn mowing services near me”, “lawn fertilization services near me”, “weed control services near me”, or “lawn aeration services near me” to find a reliable service provider near you.

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